+ 91 4288 274741
TNEA Counselling Code : 2328

The aims of the Cultural Club are to cultivate the students' interests in variety of cultural programs and provide them opportunities to appreciate various kinds of dance through dance competitions and performances.

We have a student faculty and student’s coordinator in each department to conduct events.

Each and every year, variety of activities including Annual day dance program, social awareness campaign skit, mimes, program at home for the destitute and orphanage, Inter & Intra dancing Contest.

This club strives to promote all student participation in the contribution and enjoyment of their creative cultural ideas/talents and to provide an outlet for all students interested in cultural programmes.

   Dance performance by girls at the Annual Day 2020 on 15.02.2020

    Variety entertainment  byboys at the Annual Day 2020 on 15.02.2020

   Variety entertainment  bygirls at the Annual Day 2020 on 15.02.2020

   Solo and Team performance byboys at the Annual Day 2020 on 15.02.2020

Program on “Fresh ideas for Freshers” by young writer & Author- S.Sakthi Sridevi on 14.10.2019

   Pongal “the harvest festival of Tamil Nadu” celebrated at our campus premises on 14.01.2020

    Yoga for health – an introductory class at EEE seminar hall

 Music club membershonouring women through orchestral performance on the women’s day on 07.03.2020

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