Computer Science and Engineering

this is cshdasgfd ifff fhfafyhf ffhewfhwffh fsdfhefgjeshf fhfsdfjasdfj hfd fksdhffs ifhdfh dfuhdffoi. ijghsdighfg oiughiutghi gfsdgh fgfsdg fgsg gg guhdry gfgg.



Vimala Devi

Head Of CSE Department

Course overview

Web development is the process of building websites and apps for the internet—or for a private network known as an intranet. Web developers bring the design and functionality of a website to life, writing code that determines things like style, layout, and interactivity. From the most simple, static web pages to social media platforms and apps; from e-commerce websites to content management systems (like WordPress)—all the tools we use via the internet have been built by web developers.

There are three different types (or layers) of web development: The frontend, the backend, and database technology. Frontend development, otherwise known as client-side scripting, encompasses all the elements of a website that the user experiences directly. Things like layout, font, colors, menus, and contact forms are all powered by the frontend.

Backend development, or server-side scripting, is all about what goes on behind the scenes. When you interact with a website in some way—for example, filling out a form and clicking “submit”—the frontend communicates this action to the backend. The backend responds by sending the relevant information to the frontend—for example, the code needed to display a message such as “Thank you for filling out this form”.

What you'll learn

script from scratch - begineer to advanced

script from scratch - begineer to advanced

script from scratch - begineer to advanced

script from scratch - begineer to advanced

script from scratch - begineer to advanced

script from scratch - begineer to advanced

This Course Includes

script from scratch

script from scratch

script from scratch

script from scratch

script from scratch

script from scratch

script from scratch