Analog and Digital Circuits Laboratory
Lab In-charge:Mr. M.M.ARUN PRASATH Lab Technician: Mr.M.GURU RAMALINGAM |
Major Equipments/ Hardware
- Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
- Function generator
- Dual power supply
- Multimeter
- Digital Ammeter (0-20) mA, (0-200) mA
- Analog ammeter (0-500) µA
- Analog and Digital voltmeter (0-3) V,(0-30) V
- Digital LCR-Q meter
- Computer(PCs) with Multisim software
Total Cost: 29,21,140.00 |
Microprocessor & Microcontroller Laboratory and Embedded Laboratory
Lab In-charge:Mrs. V.SINDHUJA Lab Technician: Ms.V.SINDHU |
Major Equipments/ Hardware
- 8085 trainer kit
- 8086 trainer kit
- 8051 trainer kit
- 8255 trainer kit
- 8251/53,8279,8259 interface
- ADC/ DAC interface
- Stepper motor interface
- Traffic light controller
- Printer interface
- Personal computer
- ARM 7 development board
- Interfacing ADC and DAC
- Interfacing led and PWM
- Interfacing real time clock and serial port
- Interfacing keyboard and LCD
- Interfacing EPROM and interrupt
- Mailbox
- Flashing of LEDs
- Interfacing temperature sensor
- Interfacing DAC
- Interfacing stepper motor
- Implementing ZigBee protocol with arm
- Interrupt performance characteristics of arm & FPGA
Total Cost: 25,67,777.00 |
Computer Networks Laboratory and Communication Systems Laboratory
Lab In-charge:Mr. B.VINOTHKUMAR & Ms.M.DHARANI Lab Technician: Ms. P.SOUNDHARYA |
Major Equipments/ Hardware
- Ethernet LAN trainer
- Wireless LAN trainer
- Personal computer
- Printer
- AM transceiver kit
- FM transceiver kit
- PAM,PPM,PWM trainer kit
- PCM,DM,ADM trainer kit
- Line coding & decoding kit
- ASK,PSK,FSK,QPSK, trainer kit
- Preemphasis / Deemphasis circuit
- FDP,PLL & frequency synthesizer
- Sampling, TDM and FDM trainer kit
- Digital storage oscilloscope
- Mobile trainer kit
- MATLAB 2012B
- Network simulator software (OPNET)
- PCs with network simulator software (L-sim & N-sim)
Total Cost: 11,87,900.00 |
DSP Laboratory and VLSI Design Laboratory
Lab In-charge:Ms. B. LATHA & Mr. M. UDHAYAKUMAR Lab Technician: Ms. S.RENU PRIYA |
Majore Equipments/ Hardware
- Personal Computer
- TMS processor kit
- Analog Discovery Kit
- Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
- Function Generator
- Nexys3 Spartan 6 FPGA board
- Xilinx Vivado System Edition S VerI4.X
- Mentor graphics Hep category 1 & 2
- MICROWIND package
- MATLAB 2012B
- Xilinx Vivado System Edition S VerI4.X
- Mentor graphics Hep category 1 & 2
Total Cost: 54,99,523.00 |
Optical & Microwave Laboratory & Project Laboratory
Lab In-charge:Ms.P.MOHANA SUNTHARI Lab Technician: Mr.S.ANAND |
Major Equipments/ Hardware
- Klystron power supply
- Gunn power supply
- Gunn oscillator
- Pin modulator
- Isolator
- Variable attenuator
- Frequency meter
- Slotted section with probe carriage
- Detector mount
- Matched termination
- Movable short
- Slide screw tuner
- Horn antenna
- Attenuator fixed type 3 dB
- Magic tee
- E plane tee
- H plane tee
- MHD coupler
- VSWR meter
- Cathode ray oscilloscope 30 MHz
- Microwave power meter
- Radiation table
- Universal waveguide stand
- Optical power source
- Fibre optic power meter
- Fibre optic trainer kit
- Laser trainer kit
- Pin diode
- LED source 870nm
- Digital Storage Oscilloscope
- Function generator
Total Cost: 14,57,500.00 |

Research Laboratory
- MATLAB 2022(B)
- Transmit/receive pair of NI USRP-2920 transceivers (50 MHz to 2.2 GHz) – 01 set (NILABVIEW)
- MATLAB 2013(B)
- NI Multisim 11.0
- Xilinx Vivado system Edition S Ver 14.X
- Microwind Package 3.5v
- Personal Computers
