1. Quality of Class Room Teaching
- Reformed Teaching and Learning (RTL) Methodologies for Activity Based Teaching using ICT
Power Point Presentation, Video Lectures, Flipped Classroom, Analogy, Brainstorming, Role Play, Radom Pick, Group Discussion, Think-Pair-Share, Just a Minute, Puzzle, Making of posters, Debate, Story Telling, Flash Cards, Chart Activity,Case Studies
- Assignment, Quiz
- Tutorials for Problem Oriented subjects
- Collaborative Learning
- Simulation Tool usage
- Mini and Major Projects
- Guest Lectures, Workshops, Value Added Courses
- Industrial Visits
- In-Plant Training
2. Conducting Experiments in the Laboratory
- Conducting Pre-Lab Test
- Verifying observation note book
- Output Verification with different test cases
- Explaining the relevance to real life and applications
- Conducting Post-Lab Test
3. Knowledge Tools
- Smart Camp Tool
- SWAYAM – NPTEL videos
- IEEE-Explore Digital Library
- E-Journals
- National Digital Library
4. Continuous Assessments
- Cycle Test
- Internal Assessment Test
- Remedial Test
- Model Exam
5. Encouraging Bright Students & Supporting Weak students
- Mentoring : Moral Support and Interaction with Parents
- Academic Improvement : Remedial classes, Simplified Study Materials
- Skill Development : Soft Skill Training, Value added Courses